Urban cowboy
Bobby Brown asks not what 'Country' can do for him
INTERVIEW. Being Bobby Brown means having an ever-shifting identifier under your name. Now add country singer to a list that has included R&B superstar, husband of Whitney Houston, reality TV sensation, father and inmate. On the new reality show “Gone Country,” Brown will compete against a cast that includes a former Brady, an “American Idol” runner-up and the singer of “Thong Song” to see which star can best adapt to the country music lifestyle. Brown says the show, which premieres Friday on the CMT network, is “playing a major part” in his life, as he prepares to release his first album of new material in over a decade. Going through all you’ve gone through in the past few years, I imagine singing a few tear-in-your-beer songs has been therapeutic. Country music is about letting out all your feelings, and moving on with your life, and “Gone Country” is the best thing that could have happened to me, because I wrote some great songs, and I was able to get a lot of things out of my heart, and now my heart is pure again, and I’m ready for what the next 10 years has to offer me. What, would you say, is your favorite country song? My favorite country song? I don’t know what it would be. I couldn’t really even pick one. Because country is about, like I said, it’s about your feelings. It’s about writing. OK. Then let’s talk about Twisted Sister singer Dee Snider. You guys were both huge in the ’80s for doing music that was only similar in that it was so different from country music. What was it like to work with him? Me and him didn’t really work together. We just stayed in the same room together. That’s how things happened with me and Dee Snider. …He’s rock ‘n’ roll, and I’m Bobby Brown. ![]() And how about Maureen McCormick? That was really cool; it was like a dream come true. I mean, everybody was in love with Marcia Brady. …And for me, being able to hang out with her, and kick it with her, and just talk to her, because we both come from similar childhoods. … We’ve been in show business starting when we were kids, so she taught me a lot. Let’s say that. Did you have any inside jokes with her or encourage her to write a country song where the chorus is just her singing, “Oh, my nose! Oh, my nose!”? We messed around, you know [affects a Jan Brady voice] “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!” There was a whole bunch of things we did to her. … It’s a really funny show. It’s weird at a lot of times, it’s what we did, you know, living in a house with seven people. Did you and Sisqó get along? We got along great. You know, we had our little spats, a lot of the time, but for the most part, we got along great. Will this show finally be the bridge away from your reality career back into your music career? I’m an entertainer. So, whatever I do, it has to be something I think the people need, I mean entertainment is my life and I live it. When “Being Bobby Brown” was on, was it frustrating to be better known for your private life than for your music? Do you think I’m better known for my private life? Well, when that show was all over the place, as a fan of your music, I just wished you’d get back to the tunes. Oh, it’s coming back to the tunes, but I think I’ve come full circle, so right now it’s time for exactly what music is definitely about and it’s about Bobby Brown. So, I’m just waiting to release. When are we going to see a follow up to “Forever”? It’s been, er, um, forever since you released that album. [laughs] Well, since the “Forever” album, I’ve been working on what I call my masterpiece. Cool. What’s it called? That’s the name of the album, “Masterpiece” … And I can’t wait until it’s released. I’m working on several deals to release it, several different ways, but I can’t wait for people to hear the music. The business part of it has slowed the process of release, but the music is just getting better and better. By the time I’m done with it, you will have that “Masterpiece.” How many songs have you recorded? It will probably be 20 songs on the album. Are you working with one producer or a bunch of different producers or... I’m doing a lot of the stuff myself. I also have a lot of other people that are contributing to this album, but for the most part I’m trying to create my “Masterpiece.” … My writing skills have become a lot better, and my vocal ability has become better, so I’m just doing things that I’ve never done before. But at the same time, I can’t stray away from what God has given me and that’s funky. When is “Masterpiece” coming out? “Masterpiece” is coming out probably [within] the first three months of the year. … I’m looking forward to dropping it. What’s your favorite song on the album so far? I don’t have one. The whole album is incredible. … I mean, I really think I’ve outdone myself and I just hope the people enjoy the album, because I think this is a “Thriller.” Yeah, this album is a “Thriller.” It’s that good. Wow. You mean like Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”? Yeah. OK. Speaking of other artists, I always wondered what you thought about the Britney Spears version of “My Prerogative.” I thought the video was nice. I spent a lot of time watching it. OK… Other than that, you know, that’s my theme. So, it’s a good check, and all of that, and it’s still a good check. When you see someone like her, with her personal life all over the news, does that make you say, “Glad I’m not there anymore.”? Maybe that song “Prerogative” is a jinx, to people. You say, “it’s my prerogative,” and maybe you go through some things that might make you think otherwise. Do you still perform “On Our Own”? I perform “On Our Own” sometimes. That was one of my favorites. I always wonder, as the years go by, do you still do the “Ghostbusters” rap in the middle, or did you get rid of that? Oh yeah, if I do one of my songs, trust me I’m doing that song exactly how I wrote it. I believe that the people deserve that so that’s exactly what I do. Are you still doing “Humpin’ Around”? Yeah, I’m still “Humpin’ Around” a little bit. Back |