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Boston Uncovered Helping the college kids figure out what's going on in this town.
Royal Flush
The best bowls in town

Boston metro 12/7/2005

Kiss & Make Out
The hottest spots for PDA

Boston metro 11/16/2005

Pin Pals
Candlepin, 10-pin: where to go balls out

Boston metro 11/2/2005

Fresh Mex
The best Mexican, in time for Day of the Dead

Boston metro 10/26/2005

Your pie hole
Great slices for under $3

Boston metro 10/3/2005

You can't sing
but lucky for you, no one at any of these karaoke joints cares.

Boston metro 9/28/2005

Laugh it up
Boston has helped launch Jay Leno, Denis Leary and two stars of 'Yes, Dear.' Here are places funnier than them.

Boston metro 9/21/2005

Super stylin'
We’d hate to sterotype you but we’re gonna do it anyway. Here’s eight stores for four looks

Boston metro 9/14/2005

For those about to rock
...we advise you

Boston metro 8/31/2005
